I'm going to start updating this blog again. I started it when I was 16 years old and only had 10 or so followers that I trusted. I mostly used it as a journal or something to vent and tell my story, as I really could not publicly without ramifications. I love having some kind of outlet to get my thoughts out, and I've never been the personal type. I also don't mind the attention, even though I don't deserve as much as I get. I'm far from a celebrity, but sometimes it feels like I am. A lot of my friends think I'm some rich superhero when really I'm far from it. People come up to me at poker games and say are you CompleteDonk, or a random friend's parent will find my screen name out and see my PokerDB and think I'm crazy rich, as it just shows cashes and not profit. I'm actually down according to real stat sites online, lol. In reality I'm up only around 100, maybe 150k.
Everything in my life is pretty good right now. I'm far from my peak in terms of wealth, but I'm happier than ever. I've been working on fixing everything I screwed up when I randomly decided to leave my high school for online and barely told anybody. I've built back all of my old really good friends, and have met some new awesome ones as well. It feels nostalgic almost. I feel like I'm being able to experience everything I missed socially by making the move I did. I had a girlfriend for a few weeks and decided to break up with her. It was probably pretty cold by me, but she was really in love with me and I'm not looking for anything long term. I'm way too young and teenage girls are much too hot, heh. I've been working out a bit and playing a ton of basketball/running. I'm way too skinny and out of shape and I'm quickly fixing that as well.
I'm pretty much convinced I'll be going to college by the latest next fall. I will graduate from high school in a couple weeks and finally will have that ever so elusive diploma, lol. I cannot go this fall as I'm graduating a bit late due to laziness, apathy, and some depression mixed in. I've gotten out of that funk I was in. I think Black Friday was actually an extremely good thing for my life longterm. I feel healthier, happier, and even though I'm poorer, I've realized money isn't everything!
Hopefully this post doesn't come off too braggadocios. Most of my posts (especially previous posts in this blog) are more dark. I'm just telling the truth about what's going on in my life, and hope it's interesting enough for at least a few people to read and enjoy.
Until next time..